Partner with Us 

The Trust is interested to partner with other organisations working in the Great Victoria desert and who wish to enhance biodiversity outcomes in the region.

Working with Traditional Owners and Custodians


The Trust recognises the knowledge and skills of the indigenous peoples of the Great Victoria Desert, and will endeavour to involve Indigenous Rangers in land management and conservation activities that the Trust participates in and/or funds.

The Trust has been working with two Traditional Owner and Traditional Custodian groups in the GVD – the Spinifex and Pilki People (represented by the Pila Nguru Aboriginal Corporation and the Spinifex Land Management team) and the Yilka People (represented by the Yilka Aboriginal Corporation and Central Desert Native Title Services).  An Adaptive Management Implementation Plan has been produced for the region following three workshops held over 2016 and 2017.  

National Malleefowl Recovery Team

We have partnered with the NMRT to conduct a field-based program to ground-truth several LiDAR targets to verify whether these represent malleefowl mounds in the GVD. 

Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (Remote Sensing)

We have partnered with the remote sensing unit in DBCA to spatially map the fire scar history of the GVD since 1995. 

Spinifex Rangers and Parks & Wildlife Service (Kalgoorlie Region)

We have partnered with the Spinifex Rangers and the Fire Management unit of Parks and Wildlife to support introducing patch burning into a landscape to understand its benefits to biodiversity. 

Greening Australia

We have partnered with Greening Australia to conduct important surveys in the GVD targeting new locations for sandhill dunnarts and malleefowl. 


We have partnered with Anditi to capture LiDAR information across routes in the GVD to improve our chances of detecting malleefowl mounds.  

Partner with us! There Are So Many Ways to Lend a Helping Hand

The Trust is a not-for-profit organisation and offers a mechanism for meeting potential offset requirements. The structure avoids duplication and knowledge loss. There is an independent Chair overseeing the Trust’s Management Panel. Financials are managed by the Public Trustee of WA.

The Trust is interested in expanding its membership to others working in the desert and who are interested in enhancing biodiversity outcomes in the region. Direct benefits include:

  • Organisational recognition for contribution to biodiversity in the desert / outback region.
  • Potential to meet biodiversity offset requirements, either under State or Commonwealth legislation in an established structure.
  • Exposure and marketing benefits on the Trust’s website.
  • Participation in the Trust’s Management Panel.
  • Inclusion in the biodiversity management of the Great Victoria Desert with contributions to improving gaps in scientific knowledge and the potential conservation of threatened species. 

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